Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ubuntu -- Analysis of the versions 8, 9 and 10

Ubuntu, a variant of Linux is continuously making its mark in the race among the operating systems as advancements are being made continuously with respect to many operating system aspects. I found huge advancements in regions such as GUI, CPU Utilisation, Networking, booting time etc. though some features were getting down. The Ubuntu Operating system versions will be released in the April and October months of every year with advancements made in some operating system aspects.

The versions and the code names of Ubuntu are given below:

8.04          HARDY HERON
8.10          INTREPID IBEX
9.04          JAUNTY JACKALOPE
9.10          KARMIC KOALA
10.04        LUCID LYNX

The Ubuntu versions 8.04 and 8.10 had nothing to talk much about them. The software packages were not efficiently run besides the high CPU utilisation. The security settings were also not that strong. Networking was not good and connection to Internet through DSL was not present in Ubuntu 8.04. The look and feel was not appealing and the dependencies had to be looked after every now and then while installing the software packages. The Web Browser consumed much of the CPU resources when it was running, making it uncomfortable to use.

The Ubuntu versions 9.04 and 9.10 started using ext4 file system which made them to reduce the boot times three times than that of the 8.10 version. These versions boot in 25 seconds much better than the 65 seconds taken by the previous version (8.10). With the same, it managed to efficiently improve the system performance. These versions also made the look and feel better by introducing an absolute candy for notification purposes. The Empathy Instant messenger came into play with the version 9.10. The wireless network support was included in the 9.04 version. However, the network applet had some bugs, which made the connection to Internet (Wired using DSL) difficult. Besides all this, the Jaunty Jackalope newly had Tablet and Netbook support.

I should say that Ubuntu 10.04 and Ubuntu 10.10 are the best which we are having at present. These versions take only 10 seconds for the booting purpose, much better than the previous releases (25 seconds in the previous releases). In addition to the booting time, the software seemed to start quickly. The GUI has changed suddenly and the default theme settings are appealing to the eyes. The Internet got very much slowed down in Ubuntu 10.04 but all those major issues in Ubuntu 10.04 have been rectified now. The security settings are improving version after version in Ubuntu. I can find a lot of difference in the security in Ubuntu 8.10. The Ubuntu Software Center has undoubtedly become charming and more handy than ever, especially in the categorisation of the software. I should say, users had to face a bit of problem with the dependencies, broken links earlier; but now everything is managed so well by the Ubuntu software center, making it more user-friendly. Apart from this, the Instant messaging has added the new features of audio and voice chatting using Empathy Instant Messenger. I found that when the system files are being accessed, the system was taking so much time and was consuming large amount of CPU (almost 90% of CPU utilisation). This is the case when we open it in the GUI. The situation is however different when accessed through the Linux terminal. The authentication is a bit slow in Ubuntu 10.10 even though it was alright in Ubuntu 10.04.

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